Professional teeth cleaning and regular checkups are key to maintaining healthy gums and teeth for both children and adults.
Even if you brush and floss regularly, teeth cleaning – also known as dental cleaning – is a preventive dental service that can help you sustain your good dental health – which in turn radiates the same goodness to your overall health.
Below are possible questions on your mind – answered:
What happens during teeth cleaning?
Teeth Cleaning is an effective procedure that helps remove plaque and tartar on the surface of the teeth – especially in the hard-to-reach areas. It is possible for tartar to develop even when you diligently floss and brush during routine brushing.
Is it true dental cleaning hurts?
No. Cleaning is not painful. You may feel a little discomfort especially if you have taken long before visiting your dentist for dental cleaning. We have anesthetic options to apply which takes care of the possible discomfort.
After cleaning, will I get teeth sensitivity?
Persons who make dental visits for regular dental cleaning as required do not face teeth sensitivity after teeth cleaning. However, if you have taken longer and the calculus and plaque that has covered areas of your teeth are removed, this exposes those areas to hot/cold solids and liquids – which can make you feel more sensitivity. This also happens for patients who have pre-existing sensitivity. Good to note, we have solutions that help minimize teeth sensitivity.
How frequently should I visit my dentist for cleaning?
We recommend you have your teeth professionally cleaned every 6 months. However, during our oral examination, if we establish you have specific health problems that may need special attention, we will need to see you more often for dental cleaning to reduce bacteria in your mouth.
What should I do next to keep my teeth healthy after teeth cleaning?
You are required to keep brushing your teeth twice a day – after breakfast and before going to bed. Do not forget to floss at least once daily to maintain your dental hygiene. Embrace simple acts like rinsing your mouth with water (swishing) after meals to prevent food deposits from sticking to your teeth.
Are you ready for dental cleaning?
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